Who is ALXS?

One of my earliest memories is of an old bathtub, resembling a large, lemon-colored stain, filled with baby chicks, two dogs, a cat, and a turtle, all sharing the room with me. The door to our 30-square-meter apartment was always wide open, welcoming any kind of animal.

About 30 years have passed since then, and here I am, in the countryside, 40 kilometers from Madrid; literally in the middle of nowhere. I live with a varying number of dogs – from 3 to 5, depending on the season – in addition to humans.

Finding your place in the world, a space where you can truly express the best of yourself, is no easy feat.

From a young age, I realized that photography held incredible power. Essentially, a piece of paper enabled me to revisit that exact moment, that day, those emotions and palpitations I felt when pressing the shutter.‘And if I take just one photo a day… could I reconstruct my entire life this way, like a visual diary?’This question often troubled me, leading me to carefully select the most important moment of the last 24 hours.

Finding your place in the world, a space where you can truly express the best of yourself, is no easy feat. I found it in photography, and more specifically in wildlife photography. And I couldn’t feel luckier.

But if there is something that can at least pause it, making eternal what is by definition fleeting, it is photography. When we understand it, master it, and imbue it with meaning, that’s when we begin to touch the realm of art.

I do not wish to selfishly keep everything I have learned, and continue to learn – after all, learning is a never-ending process. On the contrary, it’s a fabulous feeling to be able to pass on my knowledge, techniques, advice, and tools to others who share this invisible and powerful bond with me: a passion for photography on one hand, and a love for animals on the other.


I believe that a professional photographer, or professionals in any other field, should not focus their work solely on winning awards and distinctions.

However, I acknowledge that it is a great satisfaction and a huge honor to receive recognition from internationally prestigious institutions, and particularly from peers in their profession.


Exhibitions are always great opportunities to showcase your work, and I have been fortunate to participate in a good number of them:

  • My Exhibition Shot’, Vancouver
  • Solo Single Subject’, London
  • Powerful Сomposition’ Washington D.C.
  • Nature Photography’, Paris
  • Our amazing planet’, Stockholm
  • Powerful Lighting’, Montreal
  • Gorgeous birds’, CDMX, Mexico
  • Each One Has Their Spain’, Mosco
  • SPC Photo Awards’, Geneva


I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to showcase my photographs in prominent channels and media outlets, including National Geographic, MOTHER, Sony, El País, WWF, El Independiente, etc.

Appearing in publications, some of a general nature, others specialized in fields like photography or nature, this undoubtedly helps to broaden the reach of your work.



